Poziv na predavanje dr.Katherine Polak, DVM, MPH


Poziv na predavanje dr.Katherine Polak, DVM, MPH

Velika nam je čast i zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas na besplatno predavanje doktorice Katherine Polak pod naslovom:

Outbreaks: Managing Disease Disasters in Shelters

The management and control of infectious diseases in dogs and cats remains one of the largest problems facing animal shelters.  Every shelter is at inherent risk for infectious disease introduction and spread due to the constant influx of animals from the community, many of which are incubating disease at intake.  The presentation will emphasize sound and systematic strategies for minimizing the transmission of infectious diseases within a shelter.  Special attention will be given to the control and prevention of canine and feline parvovirus and respiratory infections which are the most frequent cause of shelter-wide outbreaks. The management of animals during natural disasters and large-scale cruelty cases will also be discussed.

Predavanje će se održati na engleskom jeziku, u Velikoj predavaonici Veterinarskog fakulteta, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, u četvrtak, 16. svibnja 2013. godine s početkom u 12h. Adresa fakulteta je Heinzelova 55, 10 000 Zagreb. Poziv na predavanje pogledajte OVDJE.

Katherine Polak, DVM, MPH dolazi sa Sveučilišta u Floridi,  College of Veterinary Medicine, i bavi se managementom skloništa za pse i mačke. Njezin životopis možete pogledati OVDJE.

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